Reference Standards

Reference Standards Traders, Suppliers, & Distributors in India

In many different businesses and disciplines, reference standards are crucial. They offer a dependable basis for evaluating, calibrating, and validating parts, goods, or services to make sure they abide by the standards for accuracy, dependability, and safety.

reference standards

The reference standards we offer are meticulously created using high-quality materials and rigorous specifications to ensure consistent performance.

Scitech Reference Standards is a renowned Dr.Ehrenstorfer authorised distributor, trader, and supplier in Mumbai, India, to certify accuracy and repeatability. It has undergone thorough testing and evaluation by a number of independent labs, including Scitech, commercial, regulatory, and university labs. There are differences between various standards. We create fundamental standards to support the maintenance of high standards in the design and production of pharmaceuticals.

For consistency and accuracy in laboratory testing and analysis, reference standards are crucial instruments to have on hand. They are employed in many different sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food and beverage, environmental monitoring, and more, as a benchmark for the calibration and validation of equipment and methodologies. Accelerate product development, saving 19% of time, overall, and 31% of time on analytical method development.

Reference standards are used in laboratory testing and analysis to ensure accuracy and consistency of results. They serve as a benchmark for calibration and validation of instruments and methods, and are used in a wide range of applications across various industries, including:

  • Pharmaceuticals:
  • To verify the potency, identification, and purity of medicines and their raw materials as well as to assure regulatory criteria are being met, reference standards are utilised.

  • Biotechnology:
  • To assure consistency and comparability between batches, reference standards are used to assess the performance of biologics, such as vaccines, antibodies, and recombinant proteins.

  • Food and beverage:
  • Reference standards are used to verify the integrity of nutritional labelling and find pollutants including pathogens, pesticides, and heavy metals in food and drink items.

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